Tag Archives: twitter

Janathon day 13: the Pednor strikes back!

It has been easier to do the exercise for Janathon than blog about it! The last few days have been very busy, what with one thing or another, and I’ve barely stopped between Friday morning and now, it feels like. Good busy, though, rather than bad busy; work, but also catching up with friends, widening […]

Olympic tickets: families of 5 need not apply!

We had a lovely family outing on Saturday, to see the Women’s Olympic Triathlon at Hyde Park. It seemed like a natural choice, after all the work that went into training for the Blenheim Triathlon, earlier in the year. Then, having got a taste for it and fired up by the genuinely awesome (an over-used […]

Spotify and Squeezebox

There I was, mulling over how best to “break the ice” with my new blog: what could I write about that combined most, or perhaps all, of the loves in my life – home/family, music, exercise, … *cough* gadgets? Then – a flash of inspiration: Spotify and Squeezebox! I listen to a lot of music […]

Free Your Mind - Medium

A haphazard mix-up of exercise, music, technology and family

Rather Be Runnin'

It's true. I WOULD rather be running.


Training diary

I can. I will

A few inane words on my quest to become fit and unfat again.


Saving the world one run at a time


A haphazard mix-up of exercise, music, technology and family

Jog on Mum

The Musings and Mutterings of a Marvellously Mad Mummy!

Dave Behnke

A haphazard mix-up of exercise, music, technology and family


A haphazard mix-up of exercise, music, technology and family

Once and Future Runner

Once a runner, always a runner.

Reading, Running, Cycling

Triathlon trials and travelling tales


Training, running, racing