Tag Archives: battle ropes

Juneathon day 4: a bit extreme!

I usually have a pairs PT session on a Friday morning, however this week we had to bump it to Thursday – today. With the weather being so utterly beautiful, we decided to cycle the 6-ish miles to Deep Mill where we train, which was a delight. Once we got there, we had a pretty […]

Janathon day 7: short and sharp…

That applies both to today’s exercise and this blog post. I’ve only just finished a totally different project I’ve got on the go, and it is gone 2:30AM, so I will do no more now than report that I managed Wild Training in Hervines Park this evening. the key features of note are: 1) It […]

Janathon day 6: open the floodgates!

So today was my first day back in the office this year (if not actually my first day of work), so I thought I would do a lunchtime run. I had a rough idea of a route, heading round the lakes at the aquadrome, and cheerfully set off in that direction. It was a lovely […]

Juneathon day 26: uppers (circuits) and downers (yoga)

The mood this afternoon has been managed most effectively through exercise! My 6pm circuits with Wild Training was a great lift – metaphorically and practically. We are still on TABATA, mixing ropes, kettle bells and running (plus mountain climbers … ouch). It is very challenging, but is definitely helping my fitness. After an hour of […]

Juneathon day 19: circuits, and cockapoo preparation!

After a busy day at work, what’s better than to settle down to … an hour of high-intensity intervals with Wild Training?! It was hot out there in Hervines Park, and I was slightly at sixes and sevens when I arrived, as my 9yo daughter had her brownie meeting in the same park, throwing our […]

Free Your Mind - Medium

A haphazard mix-up of exercise, music, technology and family

Rather Be Runnin'

It's true. I WOULD rather be running.


Training diary

I can. I will

A few inane words on my quest to become fit and unfat again.


Saving the world one run at a time


A haphazard mix-up of exercise, music, technology and family

Jog on Mum

The Musings and Mutterings of a Marvellously Mad Mummy!

Dave Behnke

A haphazard mix-up of exercise, music, technology and family


A haphazard mix-up of exercise, music, technology and family

Once and Future Runner

Once a runner, always a runner.

Reading, Running, Cycling

Triathlon trials and travelling tales


Training, running, racing