Tag Archives: calf

Juneathon day 7: weights, low carbs and foam rolling! Running again soon?

I also look forward to Fridays. My friend Holger (aka @TheHolgernator) and I head over to Deep Mill Farm, a nearby and most excellent equestrian centre, for an hour’s training session, under the supervision of Darrell from Wild Training Amersham. We do something different each time: given my continuing calf woes, today we majored on strength […]

Juneathon day 4: the calf strikes back (plus a cute cat picture)

Juneathon: “an annual festival of activity and excuses”. I’ve managed a bit of each today! While I was keen to get a run in today, my calf had other ideas: going down the stairs to get breakfast, it was clear that it wasn’t much better than last night. So I would have to do some […]

Juneathon day 2: trying out the calf on a busy weekend

Is it just me that finds it hard to fit runs in to busy family weekends? Today we have been up at my parents-in-law’s place, having fun at the playground and later at nearby Wimpole Hall, only getting back to ours near 9pm. I did take running stuff, but it just wasn’t going to happen […]

Free Your Mind - Medium

A haphazard mix-up of exercise, music, technology and family

Rather Be Runnin'

It's true. I WOULD rather be running.


Training diary

I can. I will

A few inane words on my quest to become fit and unfat again.


Saving the world one run at a time


A haphazard mix-up of exercise, music, technology and family

Jog on Mum

The Musings and Mutterings of a Marvellously Mad Mummy!

Dave Behnke

A haphazard mix-up of exercise, music, technology and family


A haphazard mix-up of exercise, music, technology and family

Once and Future Runner

Once a runner, always a runner.

Reading, Running, Cycling

Triathlon trials and travelling tales


Training, running, racing