Janathon ’19 day 6: putting up furniture

Everyone in my family, it seems, is demanding a new bed. Today was the day that two such demands were met. An Ikea trip yesterday meant we returned home with a “day bed” in the back of the car, but a bunk bed in the room it was meant for. So today I have:

  • Taken down a bunk bed
  • Re-assembled said bunk bed in a different room
  • Assembled a new day bed (which is a single that pulls out to be a double)

It all took ages! I’m thinking at least 5 hours. The cat really enjoyed playing with the 4 very large boxes the bed came in. The process also reminded me how important it is to be grateful for the tools we have around us; thank you, Bosch, for your electric screwdriver without which I would have been literally screwed!

Oh yes, I also did a sneaky 2.7 mile test run with Mrs H, to see how my ankle felt. The answer: about the same, but no worse at least, and perhaps rather better than my glutes following yesterday’s weights!

Anyway, I hope everyone else has had a good day 6…

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